Total Computing Solutions provides a robust solution to help you meet your school’s obligation to conform to the HIGHER EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY ACT requirements. The tools to accomplish this are ready today and have been in place at several of our customer sites prior to becoming a law in August, 2008.
Timely ISBN information is provided with SmartSuite. Your campus registration system can easily link directly to the bookstore database via Campus Webstore. This direct link will then show your students the appropriate book for each class that they are registering for. Because this link draws data directly from you adoption and master file data base it provides the most current and accurate information possible. This detail includes the ISBN, Author, Title, Price and other information about the book. And since it is a real-time interface it also shows important information about the class and each book. The student will know which books are required, optional, or if there are any other notes about the book. All this is done automatically with no additional workload on bookstore personnel as they perform their normal daily activities.
Guaranteed Buyback is an optional part of HEOA and creates a feeling of security for students that the books they buy will still hold their value when they are through with their courses. With the advanced controls in SmartText you can establish GBB rules, set limits, establish special pricing, and create labels and much more.
Textbook Rental has been the latest rave among many colleges. Although this cuts deeply into store profits it provides for the long-awaited collaboration between professors and students by allowing the store to rely on the same book being used in successive terms. SmartRental gives you the ability to track rental items (not just books) by unique item serial numbers. A complete management system for tracking renters and items gives you the ability to properly manage your rental inventory.
E-Books provide your customers with another option for keeping the initial cost of textbooks at a minimum. We have teamed up with Follett and MBS to provide E-Books and have created a seamless interface into SmartText and SmartPOS.
On-Line Adoptions are an integral component of Campus Webstore. With this your faculty can review the textbooks which they have used in the past as well as other books used for the same courses by other instructors. They can even provide you with the proper information by suggesting the booklist they want to use. The see the prices immediately and can evaluate the necessity of certain books.
On-Line Buyback gives you the ability to publish the retail and wholesale price of books for your web visitors. You can create incentives for students to use the web and receive perks for bringing in a web quote. You can also create buyback campaigns using the extensive database that is gathered for persons buying over the web and at the in-store POS counters.